Lecture 24 - Pigeonhole principle and resolution
We describe the Pigeonhole Principle, which is hard for resolution. Pigeonhole principle proof complexity in tree-like resolution is \(2^{\Theta(n \log n)}\), and we briefly describe the upper bound.
We can easily show that \(2^{\Omega(n)}\) is required for tree-like resolution using the Prover-Delayer game, but we can show formally that this game cannot give a tight lower bound.
We show instead that the proof complexity in resolution is \(2^{\Theta(n)}\) and we give both the upper and the lower bound.
If times permits we describe the cutting planes proof system: we show that it p-simulates resolution, and that it refutes Pigeonhole principle efficiently.
- Section 15.2.1 [Arora, Barak]
- Section 18.5 [Jukna]
- Section 19.1, 19.2 [Jukna]
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